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Breathwork is one of the most powerful techniques of transformation

A journey to the heart of who you are
An intense and liberating experience

The breath holds an extremely powerful key which, when used correctly, has the power to profoundly transform your life both physically and emotionally.

During a  Breathwork session, you experience an altered state of consciousness that allows access to parts of yourself that are usually out of your awareness.


It is from this space of modified consciousness that we will work in symbiosis with your breath, to accompany you to release the traumas, emotions and energies which have remained blocked over the years and which prevent you from being fully free.


A Breathwork session often is a return to an unsuspected inner freedom. ​ Breathing influences our mental and physical health because it directly impacts the physiology of our body. It can alter our mental and emotional state, the functioning of our nervous system and the chemistry of our brain.


By changing the depth and rhythm of our breath, we release our mind from negative thoughts. By making those changes, our attitude towards life is transformed and we embark on a gentler and more authentic path of life.

Breathwork is practiced in individual session or in small group sessions

Image de Annie Spratt

Group session

The power of the group is an excellent support for your own experience. A new theme is proposed at each session.


The workshop lasts around 2h00


Individual session

An individual session allows you to work in depth on the areas of your life where you feel the need. The experience is liberating and intense.

The session last around 2h30


Package 3 sessions

A session often allows certain blockages to be resolved. To anchor the results, we encourage you to continue the practice in order to install the changes over the long term.

3 sessions


By changing the pattern of our breathing, we change the pattern of information sent to the brain. It is a powerful tool at our fingertips.

Breath holds the key to healing and transforming our mental health as it can consciously modify our physiology. Breathing influences mental and emotional states, it influences the nervous system and brain chemistry.


By changing the depth and rate of our breathing, we free the mind from the bondage of negative thoughts and negative patterns. As we make those changes, our attitudes toward life engage in a more positive state of mind and incredibly improves our sense of well-being. With a commitment to regular self-practice, self-confidence, love, joy, and lightness are surprisingly quick to manifest in our lives.


Taking the time to explore yourself through Breathwork will take you to a deep level of understanding of your true nature and the power you have to influence your own life. The problems won't go away, but you will learn to ride the wave of life in a more relaxed and complete way.


Life becomes easier and challenges become a great opportunity to develop our sense of gratitude and joy towards life instead of feeling dragged down every time something doesn't go our way.


Everything you need is already within you. We invite you to discover this inner treasure of your own breathing. The spirit of life. Once you know how to use your breath to create transformation, you can use it for the rest of your life, on your own.



13 Avenue Albert 1er

34500 Béziers


06 50 46 28 55


Magali Welzel


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